8ème Festival international
Signes de Nuit
29 Mars - 11 Avril 2010
Goethe Institut
Fondation Suisse
Institut culturel irlandais
Maison de l'Amérique Latine
Maison du Brésil
Maison Heinrich Heine
Maison de l'Europe
Mairie du X. Arrondissement


TRANS EUROPE est le nom de la collaboration - unique en
son genre - qui réunit cinq festivals opposant
résistance au cinéma qui rebat les mêmes
matrices d'émotions et de concepts, incapable ou
réticent d'en finir avec les interprétations
dominantes et réductrices. Cette collaboration
inaugurée en Avril 2009 se poursuit à Paris
et dans tous lieux partenaires : les festivals de Barcelone,
d'Amsterdam, de Cork et d'Osnabrück.
du festival "Film Experience", Amsterdam
Mardi 30
Mars - 15h - Mairie du X Arr.
That |
+ Infos  |

Conrad and Gian Klainguti US 2008 * 0:03:22
That', directed by Oliver Conrad of Kompost Productions,
is a music video made with great patience and rigor, threading
together thousands of still image photographs to create
a fluid, uniquely original animated work. It's story features
Krussia and C-Rayz Walz - Russia's and New York's most
rugged and hardened underground Hip Hop artists.
Sinus Aestum |
Infos  |

Battey Uk2009 * 0:08:30
Aestum (Bay of Billows) is a smooth, dark lunar plain
articulated by threads of white dust, like evanescent
tips of flowing and silent waves. Drawing from this image,
the sound and image composition Sinus Aestum presents
one sound-synthesis process and nearly 12,000 individual
points, which are continually transformed and warped,
restrained and released, without cuts, to form compound,
multi-dimensional waves of activity moving through unstable
states between plateaus of pitch and noise. Mathematical
processes are transformed into a contemplation of the
continual ebb and flow of human experience. I produced
the sound for Sinus Aestum using a SuperCollider implementation
of routines involving a modulated feedback system. I created
control processes in MAX/MSP to run the parameters of
the feedback synthesis. I created the visual material
with a custom plug-in for Apple’s Motion 2 video
effects software. |
The Day We Surrender
to the Air |
Infos  |

Jose Guzman NL/Panama2009 * 0:15:00
official IDFA selection is part of a larger multi-media
art project exploring the connection between migration,
Diaspora and gravity. Starting with Guzman’s own
DNA we follow his journey in this sweeping abstract narrative.
Coincidentally this screening marks the 20th anniversary
of the US invasion of Panama. In The Day We Surrender
to the Air, I use myself as an example of the migration
between the so-called Old and New Worlds. My identity
is the product of my ancestors' traveling experiences
through Polynesia, Eurasia, Mesopotamia, Africa and eventually
to America and Europe. This implicates that my genetic
identity is based on the various Diasporas of my ancestors,
and thus on the decisions they made in migrating to some
place or to another.
Echoing Space |
Infos  |

H. MillerUS2009 * 0:09:10 Echoing
Spaces explores a number of virtual environments in which
the primary elements recur (echo) both in immediate succession
and at different times throughout the piece, always in
varied form. The visual imagery employs a number of similarly
shaped elements that appear in overlapping, morphing configurations,
and the restricted color palette helps maintain a focus
on the primary objects. The music of Echoing Spaces was
created using a variety of modern techniques including
convolution and physical modeling. The quasi-tonal context
adds an additional layer of continuity to the work.
Elvenland |
Infos  |

Doing NL2009 * 0:32:00
a series of tableaux vivants we travel north, following
a boy roaming through a deserted world. He wrestles and
runs down dark tunnels and climbs endless stairs. He ends
up in a snowy landscape, finds a boat and sets sail for
fairytale, unspoilt islands. The tension of the void and
the overwhelming landscapes create an ominous, hallucinogenic
mood. |