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9th International Festival Signes de Nuit October 5th - 16th 2011
Cité Universitaire: Fondation Bierman-Lapôtre Fondation Suisse Maison du Brésil Maison Heinrich Heine Résidence André de Gouveia Résidence Lucien Paye Cinéma La Clef Institut finlandais
Archives du Festival à Paris
Archives des Programmes dans le monde
Archives of Events and Expositions
Program : Days / Places
International Competition of Short Film (All)
* Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5 * Part 6 * Part 7 * Part 8 * Part 9 * Part 10
International Compétition of Documentaries (All)
* Part 11 * Part 12 * Part 13 * Part 14
* Part 15
Worldwide Focus Africa * part 1 * part 2
Balkan Brazil * part 1 * part 2 * part 3 * part 4 * part 5 Burma
China * part 1 * part 2 * part 3 Finland * part 1 * part 2 Germany * part 1 * part 2
Iran * part 1 * part 2
Norway * part 1 * part 1 Poland Portugal
* part 1 * part 2
Romania Tunesia Ukraine
The French Touch * part 1 * part 1
Night PROGRAMS Night 7/8 * part 1 * part 2 * part 3 Night 8/9 * part 5 * part 6
* part 7
Muestra Nacional de Nuevos Realizadores Havana / Cuba
Retrospective : Personal spectral Ewa Pervolovici
CINE TRANS EUROPE - Ares Festival / Syracuse - Boca del Lobo / Madrid - BuSho Festival / Budapest
MEETINGS / DIALOGS: with guests of the festival
International Jury Short Films
Program selected by the International Jury of Short Films
International Jury Documentary
Program selected by the International Jury of Documentaries
Awards Short Film
Awards Documentary
Pro / Press
Practical Informations
- Places - Tickets
Index Countries
Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -