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sdn sdn

The 9th International Festival
Signes de Nuit

October 5th - 16th 2011
Cinéma La Clef
Institut Finlandais
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Focus Portugal #2
Octobre 16th, 2011 / 2 pm
Cinéma La Clef



Gabriel Abrantes, Benjamin Crotty
2010 | Digital | 0:17:00

Luana, Angola. Two young lovers, Liberdade, a young man from Angola, and Betty, his chinese girlfriend, navigate through their emerging identities. Browsing narcotics urban and natural landscapes of Angola, the two youngs go from karaoke Shanghai Bahia to the boat’s cemetery of the beach Santiago. During their operations, Liberdade and Betty are trying somehow to forge an identity.






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A Cold Day
Um Dia Frio
Um Dia Frio

Cláudia Varejão
2009 | Digital | 0:27:00

It is a day on Earth, of a family Lisboan "average", that director invites us to follow, since the awakening of a winter morning until nightfall. The assembly of alternating life’s sequences of each household’s members - father, mother, a teenage daughter, a son of a dozen years - by bringing together two of them rarely in the field, otherwise for a stealth cross in the bathroom or walking side by side on the way to school. The loneliness of each is well highlighted, assuming its own dramas and secrets that are revealed little by little. Furtively in the bathroom of the mother takes on its meaning later, revealing the intimate tragedy of surgical removal. The elements of daily succession, like shards of lives that lack precisely, and with the continuous feeling that three out of four individuals never access to the essential, the world inside the other (the emotional life of the young girl who perhaps discovers her homosexuality or the fact that the boy goes to school in order to return and relax in the deserted apartment).



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Arca d'áqua
Arca d'acqua

André Gil Mata
2009 | 35 mm | 0:23:00

A man builds a boat in a lake. The dream of an impossible journey in search of memories of a timeless past.



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Sandro Aguilar
2010 | 35 mm | 0:30:00

Sympathetic magic is based on two principles: first law of similarity, which states that an effect resembles its cause, and then the law of contagion, where two things that have been in contact continue to influence each other from distance, even when separated. A fearful man crosses a troubled woman. Do you believe in magic?


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October 5th - 16th 2011

We present film series focused on different countries and regions. This section intends to discover and explore different spaces and cultures with the aim to understand the specific regional, political and social circumstances, do reconstruct the emotional and intellectual spécificities of a special region or country. In this critical work we belief it's essencial to prefer films which rufuse, in its form and expression, the retake of sterotype ways of reality restituition, as an act of resistance in the actual period of "globalisation", which inclins to impose one dominating model of culture and habitutes..




Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -