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The 9th International Festival
Signes de Nuit

October 5th - 16th 2011
Cinéma La Clef
Institut Finlandais
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Ciné Trans Europe
A European Cooperation operation
La Boca del Lobo Festival
Madrid, Spain
October 11th, 2011 / 5 pm
Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre
Cité Universtaire de Paris


CINE TRANS EUROPE est le nom de la collaboration - unique en son genre - qui réunit cinq festivals opposant résistance au cinéma qui rebat sempiternellement les mêmes matrices d’émotions et de concepts, réticent, sinon incapable de rompre avec les interprétations dominantes et réductrices. Cette collaboration inaugurée au mois d’avril dernier lors de l’European Media Art Festival d’Osnabrück, se poursuit à Paris lors du prochain Festival Signes de Nuit, où seront présentés, en quatre sections, les courts-métrages de nos partenaires les festivals de Barcelone, d’Amsterdam, de Cork et d’Osnabrück.

To show and to promote the most interesting, avant-garde and hazardous movies from the international and independent cinema, transforming madrilean nights into a cross cultural place. To attract and create new amateurs of this kind of production with an alternative offer, by generating new place for showing. These are the main objectives of this festival. First to organize a film festival in a music club and to promote it with a new project - the touring festival - La Boca del Lobo suggests a different model of competition, by organizing itself in small places to make connections between audience and producers easier. The aim, since its first edition in 1997, is to explore new ways in the seventh art from a different perspective, valiant; blended with the other art: music. Workshops, forum, exhibitions and concerts are part of the festival program.
A festival escaping from the main stream ghetto. A festival made in a cave. A bet against who thinks: ”madrilean movida is dead!” A project coming from the dark night, shining by itself, that pays a tribute to creators of our age.



Susi Gonzalvo
2010 | Numerique | 0:15:00

A family lives in a karting.Since long time ago there are no more clients. Father fishes for surviving but fish runs out. To make love by starving might be dangerous…




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La Piñata
La pinata

Manuel Arija
2009 | Numerique | 0:03:00

Can a street mime cheer up?



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Claustro Fobia
Claustro fobia

Jesús Paloy y Juan de Dios Marfil
2009 | Numerique | 0:07:30

Restoration of an unpublished movie filmed at Ceuta in the 20’s and censured at the time.


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Niño Pajaro  

Petro Rivero, Alberto Vázguez
2010 | Numerique | 0:12:10

A terrible industrial accident changes the life of little Dinki forever. Now Dinki 's destiny might be in hands of his eccenyric friend Birdboy.


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Tous les Hommes s'appellent Robert
Todos los hombres se llaman Robert  
tous les hommes

Mark- Henri Boulier
2010 | Numerique | 0:06:30

A naked man, his body covered with bruises, is running in the woods. Who is this mysterious woman calling for help? And who are those men trying to shoot him ?



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Roger Vllarroya
2010 | Numerique | 0:03:20

When we depend on others.


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Asier Altuna
2009 | Numerique | 0:08:00

A shepherd, lost in the city, searches for his flock. His call attracts the attention of some people, who decide to follow him.



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The Rage
la colere

Tomáš Hájek
Czech Republic
2009 | Numerique | 0:05:10

A tragical story about two young people.



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Hipoteca Basura
hipoteca basura

F. J. Rodríguez de Fonesca
2010 | Numerique | 0:13:00

Luis has decided to make a porn video with his girl. The filming starts but things take an unexpected turn.


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October 6th - 11th, 2011

CINE TRANS EUROPE is the name of a unique collaboration between festivals in Europe, which resist against a "classical" cinema using always the same mechanismes of emotion production, just following the dominating and reducing interptretations of reality. This collaboration starts in 2009 and is proceeeding in Paris and at all the different locations of the partner festivals.

Cine trans europe





















Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -