sdn sdn
sdn sdn

The 8th International Festival
Signes de Nuit

March 29th - April 11th 2010

Cinéma Archipel
Centre Culturel Irlandais
Goethe Institut
Maison de l'amerique Latine
Maison de l'Europe
Mairie de Paris
cite universitaire
Fondation Suisse
Maison Heinrich Heine
Maison de Brésil

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Focus Germany # 2
Saturday April 10th, 2010 / 6 pm
Maison Heinrich Heine


Die Charles Bonnet-Variante
Die Charles Bonnet-Variante

Werner Biedermann
2009 / DV / 0 :05 :00

The film “The Charles-Bonnet-Variant” aims at the emotions of the spectator as – astonishingly enough – the Charles-Bonnet-Syndrom (CBS) is to be found in the heart of the film enthusiast as well. As Bonnet* shows, there is more than the mirror image on the retina, there are wide varieties of visual impressions in the eye, that are hard to understand, because they are nourished by illogical hallucinatory memories of life and they know and reflect the se(e)cret longings – often repressed.



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15 minutes of truth
15 Minuten Wahrheit
15 Minuten Wahrheit 15 minutes of truth

Nico Zingelmann
2007 / 0:18:00

Brutally dismissed, a 50 years old man develops a plan to get the indemnity thqt his company refuses to pay.


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Experimente des Leibes
Experimente des Leibes

Hagen Wiel
2010 / DV / 0:20:40

The movie's subject is the relationship between the thrownness of the individual and its attempt to form itself into existence. It's a movie about the centrifugal force of the body, the thinking body, a resonance room of the inner world. This acting flesh is director, viewer and actor performing for itself...


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Way Fare
Way Fare

Sylvia Schedelbauer
2009 / DV / 0:06:20

A layered tone poem of found images and woven soundscapes renders a shifting psychogram; a nomadic passage across spaces in and out of time.


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A Taste of Honey
A Taste of Honey

Simon Rittmeister
2008 / Beta / 0:10:00

Cuba in the year 49 after the revolution: couples are dancing silently. The sea whispers the word "freedom" that still remains in everybody's head. Gestures, rituals, loneliness.


infos sdn


Room for Two
Room for Two

Urs Domingo Gnad
2008| 0:17:00

He is the last inhabitant of a small ghost town and he doesn't have the heart to leave his home. A mysterious stranger appears and involves him in a wicked game that puts his mind to the test.



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Fabian Busch
2009 / 35 mm / 0:13:00

Freem from his professional duties; a sexagenarian doesn’t know how to occupy his free time. It’s not easy to feel useful again after retirement.



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Tim Bollinger
2008 / Digi Beta / 0:05:00

A journey through worlds of the subconscious, allowing us to catch sinister glimpses of the human psyche’s ambivalence.



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March 29th - April 11th 2010

We present film series focused on different countries and regions. This section intends to discover and explore different spaces and cultures with the aim to understand the specific regional, political and social circumstances, do reconstruct the emotional and intellectual spécificities of a special region or country. In this critical work we belief it's essencial to prefer films which rufuse, in its form and expression, the retake of sterotype ways of reality restituition, as an act of resistance in the actual period of "globalisation", which inclins to impose one dominating model of culture and habitutes..




Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -