sdn sdn
sdn sdn
Le 16e Festival International
Signes de Nuit

4 - 14 octobre, 2018

cite universitaire
Main d'oeuvres
Maison du Portugal
Maison du Mexique
Main d'oeuvres
 Bibliotheque Francois Truffaut
 Bibliotheque Francois Truffaut

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International Competition
# 4
Friday 12, october 2018 / 10 pm
Maison de Norvège
Cité internationale universitaire de Paris






Uffe Mulvad
2018 | 00:07:00

By taking a deep dive into her memories of a long life, Inga reflects over love, aging, and death. She invites us into her home where we take part in her morning rituals, and when she swims in the cold lake. This short portrait shows the artistic and personal images of Inga’s daily life and what it means for her to grow old.






Ex Shaman
Ex Pajé
Ex Shaman

Luis Bolognesi
2018 | 01:21:00

Ever since their first contact with the Western world in 1969 the Paiter Suruí, an indigenous people living in the Amazon basin, have been exposed to sweeping social changes. Smartphones, gas, electricity, medicines, weapons and social media have now replaced their traditional way of life. Illness is a risk for a community increasingly unable to isolate itself from the modernisations brought by white people or the power of the church. Ethnocide threatens to destroy their soul. With dogged persistence, Perpera, a Christianised former shaman, is searching for a way to restore the old vitality to his village. Luiz Bolognesi’s film sensitively documents how western technology and church-based prayer are subsuming the lives of a people whose world was previously shaped by hunting, harvest and community meals. Unfolding in densely atmospheric images, this film reveals their deep connection to the unpredictable rain forest, from which Perpera draws the strength he needs to resist the encroaching eradication of their cultural identity. His unwavering trust in the supernatural allows him to wander between quiet submission and targeted protection of the existential values that characterise the Paiter Suruí.




October 4 - 14, 2018

An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. We prefer documentaries which succeed in representing the complexity of reality and discover in a new way its sensible and perturbing aspects on the same time accentuating the ambivalent and enigmatic status of reality in avoiding sterotypes and simplifing conclusions.


Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 -