19e Festival international Signes de Nuit - Paris / 1-10 octobre 2021
Online Edition
9 |
Discoveries - Surprises- Strangenesses #1
October 2nd, 2021- 9 pm -
October 4th, 2021 - 9 pm
Ira Konyukhova |
Russian Federation / 2020 / 0:14:04 |
In response to an invitation to an exhibition about Adorno, the author tries to trace the aftermath of the works of the German philosopher in today's society obsessed with new media. Since due to her private life situation she's unable to create easily a new artistic work, she speaks to two friends of hers about Germany, protest movements, media influence and jazz. In these conversations, she finds the only refugee from the loneliness of contemporary consumerist society.

Patrick Müller |
Gernany / 2021 / 0:05:00 |
In Emily Brontë's world, a young woman is under a spell of blind forces of compulsion acting to draw her towards an unnamed darkness from which she cannot escape.

Ragana |
Jazeps Podnieks |
Latvia / 2021 / 1:06:06 |
Young man tries to get his life together and meets face to face with Latvia’s strongest witches. Exploring themes of love, sexuality, magic and being true to oneself, the story unfolds more confusion as it drifts into magic rituals, spells and delusion.
