Le 14e Festival International
Signes de Nuit
20 - 22 Décembre, 2016
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Compétition Internationale
# 4 |
20 décembre 2016 / 14 h
Maison des Association
Chambéry, France |
Plasma Vista |
Harriet Fleuriot, Sarah Cocking
Great Britain
2016 / 0:07:31
Plasma Vista allowed us to explore themes of economics, production,
creativity and collaboration. Objects and devices become bodily and
manipulative. The magician is a composed cartoon machine repeating
tricks and equations. When products become prosthetics does the
accessory take some emotional control? A creative trance. A
collaborative force. A playful duplication of the self with greater
consequence that first suspected. A filmic exhibit and retail site
that morphed into an experimental piece of moving image occupying the
dual space between utility and art.
Timecode |
Juanjo Giminez
2015 | 0:15:00
Luna et Diego sont les agents de sécurité et de gardiennage du
parking. Diego effectue le service de nuit, alors que Luna travaille
en journée.
Invocation to Sleep |
Ewa Wikiel
2015 | 0:13:00
A night in a small polish village. Eight year old Kornel can't fall
asleep. For the first time in his life he's confronted with a death in
his family. At dawn he leaves the house to see if the world outside
still exists and where the line between life and death is.
Limbo |
Konstantina Kotzamani
Grece, France
2016 | 0:30:00
The leopard shall lie down with the goat. The wolves shall live with
the lambs. And the young boy will lead them.
Voices of Finance |
Clara van Gool
2015 | 0:35:00
Docudrama based on Joris Luyendijk's Banking Blog in The Guardian
about the financial heart of London. We follow ten different
characters through the financial world in London, whose monologues are
embodied through dance. The characters create a chain reaction
similar to the competitive, glamorous exhaustive, uncertain and
stressful financial world, in which every day could be your last.
20 - 22 Décember 2016
Les courts métrages venant du monde entier seront évalués par un jury international. Le festival sélectionnera des films qui traitent d'un sujet important d’une manière originale : des films souvent ambigus, complexes, énigmatiques, et qui invitent à la réflexion ; ces films exceptionnels , d’une esthétique nouvelle , nous font percevoir l’inquiétante étrangeté du monde moderne.