Competition International
Short Films
# 7 |
Thursday 12, April
2018 / 3 pm
Sala Serpieri, Collegio Rafaello
Urbino / Italy
Smile |
Brwa Vahabpour, Fanny Ovesen
2017 / 0:15:00
A 17-year-old girl attends an audition. When the casting agent doesn’t
set limits between fiction and reality, she must ask herself how far
she is willing to go to get the part.
Black Hours |
Les Heures-Encre |
Wendy Pillonel
2017 / 0:28:46
Frank burns himself to death at his job in protest against the
inhumane working conditions. Two stories emerge from this tragic
incident. Léa, Frank’s wife, who is searching for the truth. Igor, an
employee who finds the dead body and steals the letter of protest for
fear of losing his job.
* Frank verbrennt sich selbst an seiner Arbeitsstelle aus Protest
gegen die unwürdigen Arbeitsbedingungen. Mit diesem tragischen
Ereignis als Ausgangslage entstehen zwei Geschichten. Léa, Franks
Frau, die die Wahrheit sucht. Igor, ein Angestellter, der die Leiche
findet und den Protestbrief klaut, als Angst, seine Arbeit zu
In a Month |
Jonas Kærup Hjort
2017 / 0:30:00
In a factory in the middle of nowhere a group of workers are waiting,
indefinitely. Every full moon a telephone rings. Always with the same
message: Be patient. We are on our way.
April 11 - 14, 2018
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. The festival prefers film treating important subjects in an original way, films which don't avoid ambiguity and complexity, films, which are sometimes stay enigmatic, so that refection and mind are going on moving, exceptional films, which covers all kind of artistically expressions, films open for esthetical innovation, shortly films reflecting the perturbing strangeness of the modern world in a complex way.