The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
in Urbino
April 5-6-7, 2017
Competition International
Short Films
# 5 |
Thursday 6, April 2017 / 9.30 am
Sala degli Incisori, Piazza della Repubblica
Urbino / Italy
Nasim |

Petri Kankkunen
Finland 2016 / 0:08:04
This is not a movie. This is a cry.
How we are, why we act like this. Is there any hope left?
Rosinha |
Gui Campos
2016 / 0:14:00
At the dawn of existence, a rose blooms with the caresses of the last
rays of the sun. Rosinha is a short story about love and sexuality in
the old age, and the struggle to overcome social conventions.
Jamais-Vu |

Werner Biedermann
Germany 2016 / 0:04:00
The found-footage film „Jamais-vu“ shows archetypical situations
which, in this new montage, are perceived as different and strange.
This panorama presents a gamut of emotional sensory impressions
focussing on cinema as the means of expressing the condition of a
culture. All about heart, skin and brains, eyes and genitalia,
consciousness and sub-consciousness, in short, all about cinemastory –
cinema stories: or, all about life, from birth to death.
Street Child |

Yongliang Chang
China 2016 / 0:24:00
Chang YongLianThe story probes into the life and inner world of a
left-behind child in adolescence. Ya Zi was born in a village in
Shijiazhuang, Hebei province. His mother left home when he was 11. His
father worked in cities as a migrant worker, seldom going back all
year round. He and his elderly grandmother hanged on together at home.
In the 1990s, the village was frequented by traveling players. He saw
the first opera in his life, and was attracted by a female role in the
play. Later, he found that the female role was played by a handsome
young man. However, he remained experiencing maternal care in the
performer. After a rehearsal, the performer agreed to take him to see
the outside world. But with the decline of the opera performance, the
disappearance of the performance caravan, the silent leave of the
performer, and the decease of his grandmother, the boy was caught in
the mist of loneliness...
Imago |
Raymund Ribay Gutierrez
2016 / 0:15:00
Under the humid night within a lively slum in the center of Manila,
Inday, a 54 year old single parent of a special child goes to her
unusual work.
Marmo |

Nancy Allison, Lauro Boato
Italy, USA 2016 / 0:07:00
High up on a ledge of a marble quarry a sculpture waits to emerge from
the rough walls that imprison it. Flesh and stone, sculptor and
sculpture, dance around the question of who creates whom.
UR CF 2017
The Other |

Will Sankhla
India 2016 / 0:11:00
The Other is an experimental short, looking at the loss of a single
woman as a metaphor for the ways in which women in general are erased
or lost from society. The first half of the film is narrated from the
woman’s point of view, after she has already died; the second half is
from a man’s who is still alive and mourning her. I wanted to show in
as deeply personal and poetic a way as I could how both men and
women—all of us—suffer when the female half of humanity suffers.
Procession of Ghosts |
Ra Menada |

Alice Angeletti
2016 / 0:08:00
The daily light is often too bright and unbearable. But the sun
disappears quite quickly. And then a blue darkness caresses your tired
eyes., when the restless memory of ancient stones makes the silence
sound even louder. Are you sure that you really want to go back?
A Careful Resurrection |

Jeannette Louie
USA 2016 / 0:08:30
Sometimes the everyday is overshadowed by a feeling of disquiet.
Tucked into the synaptic forests of our minds are memories that have
never been properly encoded. They lurk in the cognitive purgatory of
consciousness and oftentimes, appear alongside ordinary recollections.
A Careful Resurrection begins with a typical narration but slowly
evolves into a disconcerting monologue.
April 5 - 6 - 7, 2017
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. The festival prefers film treating important subjects in an original way, films which don't avoid ambiguity and complexity, films, which are sometimes stay enigmatic, so that refection and mind are going on moving, exceptional films, which covers all kind of artistically expressions, films open for esthetical innovation, shortly films reflecting the perturbing strangeness of the modern world in a complex way.