The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
in Urbino
April 5-6-7, 2017
Competition International
Short Films
# 4 |
Wednesday 5, April 2017 / 5.30 pm
Sala degli Incisori, Piazza della Repubblica
Urbino / Italy
Mother |
Madre |
Simón Mesa Soto
Sweden 2016 / 0:14:00
16 year-old Andrea leaves her neighborhood in the hills of Medellin to
attend a downtown casting call for a porno film.
Final Gathering |
Alain Escalle
2016 / 0:13:00
Subjective experimentations affecting the reality of a memory, leaving
the auditory and optical traces in an "in-between" world in mutation.
Cracks |
Barst |
Koen Van Sande
Belgium 2016 / 0:09:00
When a typical Belgian couple needs to do business in an Arab
neighbourhood in a big city, they are too afraid to park their BMW.
When they finally get out of their car they run into some Arab
residents and a simple misunderstanding hopelessly grows into
crippling panic.
Limbo |
Konstantina Kotzamani
Greece, France
2016 / 0:30:00
The leopard shall lie down with the goat. The wolves shall live with
the lambs. And the young boy will lead them. Confrontation with the
death, approachments with the unknown, exluding the stranger.
The Nest |

Jamie Jones
Great Britain 2016 / 0:21:00
The Nest is a Cathy Come Home story for Generation Rent; a warning
tale of how quickly social harmony can break down when people are
pushed out to the sidelines.
A single-mum family are driven to extreme behaviour when they are
evicted from the house they live in illegally and replaced with
second-generation immigrants.
Il Silencio |
Farnoosh Samadi, Ali Asgari
Italy, France 2016 / 0:15:00
Fatma and her mother are Kurdish refugees in Italy.
On their visit to the doctor, Fatma has to translate what the doctor
tells to her mother but she keeps silent.
April 5 - 6 - 7, 2017
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. The festival prefers film treating important subjects in an original way, films which don't avoid ambiguity and complexity, films, which are sometimes stay enigmatic, so that refection and mind are going on moving, exceptional films, which covers all kind of artistically expressions, films open for esthetical innovation, shortly films reflecting the perturbing strangeness of the modern world in a complex way.