The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
in Urbino
April 5-6-7, 2017
Competition International
Short Films
# 3 |
Wednesday 5, April 2017 / 1.30 pm
Sala degli Incisori, Piazza della Repubblica
Urbino / Italy
Nutag-Homeland |
Alisi Telengut
Canada 2016 / 0:06:00
A non-narrative hand-painted visual poem about ideas of diaspora,
homeland, and the tragic mass-deportations of the Kalmyk people during
A visual poem and surrealist requiem for the Kalmyk people that were
mass-deported by USSR from 1943-1957 and half of them died before they
were allowed to return home. The film manifests itself as an archetype
with frame by frame hand painted imagery, bringing back an example of
human history on the eternal theme of diaspora and the loss of
homeland, but more importantly, by referencing to the past and the
lost, it poses a critical resistance to the current social political
situations in the world
Dormant |
Dormiente |
Tommaso Donati
Switzerland 2016 / 0:18:30
A man and a woman living on the margins of society move and meet
between urban and natural spaces, seeking a forgotten freedom and
trying to stay awake.
Iridescence |
Eileen Byrne
Luxembourg 2017 / 0:05:30
After being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, élodie turned her
suffering and fears into a creative fight against the disease and the
debilitating effects of the treatments used. Her latest work,
Iridescence, is the personal story of her fight with cancer and the
way she found to deal with the disease in a creative and hopeful
manner. It's also a way of giving back and handing on the positive
vibes that she's received from friends, family and strangers during
the course of her disease.
‘There are many of us (patients, friends or family) fighting cancer
with creativity. Composing, drawing, painting, writing, body art-ing
etc., to prevent it from stealing our souls. So let’s share ideas and
creations in order to inspire people around us, who in turn will
inspire others.’
élodie M.
Dreams On Sale |
Vlad Buzaianu
Romania 2016 / 0:09:00
In a world where people are able to record, buy and sale dreams, many
are starting to lose the ability of dreaming. Dreams have become a new
form of art and a selling product for the rich class.
The Woodpeckers of Rotha |
Dayaa |
Bibhusan Basnet, Pooja Gurung
Nepal, France 2016 / 0:16:00
Atimaley and Devi’s village is haunted by memories. When a dear friend
leaves the village without saying “goodbye”, the old couple faces a
dilemma; to keep living with the memories or to leave the village for
Why create anything when everything ends as dust and grime? Is it for
the sake of remembrance? Is it for the immortality of the subject or
the ‘artist’ itself? Or for the hope that our ‘work of art’ will one
day come alive and lift our souls from this mess of life ? ‘Dadyaa’
started out as an exercise to test these very themes around an old
couple in the highlands of Jumla. But once again, life happened and
the wonderful mess around it helped us as directors to draw parallels
between our fictious world and the reality that exists in remote
Personal |
Sonia Hadad
Iran 2016 / 0:13:30
Your hidden personal life seems adventures and exciting, but the
earthquake will occur and reveal everything. The fragil situation of
a woman, who's privacy is exposed by an unscrupulous photographer.
Process : Breath |

Line KLungseth Johanse
Norway 2016 / 0:05:14
Chemical and cognitive dissonance. PROCESS: BREATH is a beautiful
visual experience, and a love story between oxygen and nitrogen.
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling |
François Jaros
2016 / 0:15:00
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires.
Nor any truck.
April 5 - 6 - 7, 2017
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. The festival prefers film treating important subjects in an original way, films which don't avoid ambiguity and complexity, films, which are sometimes stay enigmatic, so that refection and mind are going on moving, exceptional films, which covers all kind of artistically expressions, films open for esthetical innovation, shortly films reflecting the perturbing strangeness of the modern world in a complex way.