The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
in Urbino
April 5-6-7, 2017
Competition International
Short Films
# 2 |
Wednesday 5, April 2017 / 11.30 am
Sala degli Incisori, Piazza della Repubblica
Urbino / Italy
No Rest for the Restless |

Kent Tate
Canada 2017 / 0:07:00
No Rest for the Restless” is a story drawn from my impressions of our
hallucinatory world. A subconscious response to the recognition that
we are in the midst of the "Anthropocene period" and the "Holocene
extinction." An tumultuous age in which this planet is being
transformed into something we may, or may not yet imagine.
Ten to the minus forty three second |
10 puissance moins 43 seconde |

France 2016 / 0:12:00
An Instant in the universe: a few seconds above in space, a few
minutes here below for a man, and how much for the plant staring at
him… Little by little, these three journeys overlap, fuse with one
another and plunge into the heart of matter.
Firpo |
Fernando Caneda
Argentina 2017 / 0:13:43
In a lost world, devoid of human contact, an unexpected event triggers
an awakening in the life of two people who manage to reunite.
Retract |
Retrett |

Itonje Solmer Guttormsen
Norway 2016 / 0:30:00
The roving Gritt fights the exhausting battle of establishing her
ideas into practice as an autodidact movement artist arriving the
capital of the self acclaimed winners of the world lottery. We follow
her during her first week in Oslo, and through her philosophical but
rather dissociative voice, we find a person with a huge gap between
her inner and outer world.
Symbiotic |

Stefania Giannikou
Greece 0:06:00
Symbiotic is a short film about a series of brief meetings filled with
voluntary and involuntary racism and bigotry, that unfold in the
chorus of a day on a simple park bench. How much racism could fit on a
park bench? At the end of the day, is the person sitting next to us
really who we think he is?
Sápmi - The way of being |

Artuu Nieminen
Finland 2017 / 0:15:00
Nonverbal poetic journey through the mental landscape of the Sápmi. An
anthropological dive into the cultural nuances and everyday life of
the sámi, the northernmost indigenous people of Europe.
Carols |
Kalanta |
Thanos Psichogios
Greece 2016 / 0:16:00
It’s Christmas Eve in Athens. 12-year-old Andreas goes from house to
house singing carols. He wants to help his family but he can’t imagine
how far his unemployed father will go to do the same thing.
April 5 - 6 - 7, 2017
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. The festival prefers film treating important subjects in an original way, films which don't avoid ambiguity and complexity, films, which are sometimes stay enigmatic, so that refection and mind are going on moving, exceptional films, which covers all kind of artistically expressions, films open for esthetical innovation, shortly films reflecting the perturbing strangeness of the modern world in a complex way.