14° Internacional Festival
Signos de la Noces
Centro Cultural
El Arbol de Galeno
August 24 - 28 , 2016
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Documentary Competition
# 5 |
August 27th, 2016 : 6 pm
Centro Cultural El Arbol de Galeno
Tucumán, Argentina
An Enemy Within
François Pesant
Canada, Mexico
2015 | 0:22:00
Each year in the U.S. Military, tens of thousands of soldiers are sexually assaulted by brothers in arms. Most keep assaults quiet, fearing retaliation and mistrusting the military justice system. Victims are often forced to resign.
Gulîstan, Land of Roses
Gulîstan, Terre de Roses |
Zaynê Akyol
Canada, Germany, Turkey, Kurdish Lands
2016 | 1:27:00
I/In the mountains and deserts of Kurdistan, female PKK guerillas are fighting the Islamic State. In this startling and intimate and immersive documentary, these revolutionary women invite us into their daily lives, speak frankly about their ideals and share reflections on their world.
24 - 28 August, 2016
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. We prefer documentaries which succeed in representing the complexity of reality and discover in a new way its sensible and perturbing aspects on the same time accentuating the ambivalent and enigmatic status of reality in avoiding sterotypes and simplifing conclusions.