14° Internacional Festival
Signos de la Noces
Centro Cultural
El Arbol de Galeno
August 24 - 28 , 2016
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Documentary Competition
# 4 |
August 27th, 2016 : 10 pm
Centro Cultural El Arbol de Galeno
Tucumán, Argentina
World Cup is Over
Acabou a Copa |
Patrick Zeiger
2015 | 0:13:00
During the 2014 World Cup , a fan and a protest photographer live different experiences , until fate crosses their paths .
Washed Hands (Main propres)
Louise Botkay
2015 | 0:08:00
In the so called post-colonial era, the poor countries continue to be subjected to the same group of countries that colonized them.
HR Report
RH Reporte |
Jorge Scobell
2014 | 0:11:00
The industrial production and mankind: the automasation and control takes place overa
Michka Saäl
2015 | 1:05:00
In 1978, Spoon Jackson was sentenced to life imprisonment. In jail, where he still lives, he discovered poetry and his own literary talent. Michka Saäl knows Spoon. She never sees him but she talks to him on the phone. She listens to him reading his poems. She fi lms landscapes which are his own kind of freedom, or his dreamed escape. She fi lms bodies that dance and wonder if it is possible to translate words into movements, if it is possible to give Spoon some freedom of movement, even vicariously.
24 - 28 August, 2016
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. We prefer documentaries which succeed in representing the complexity of reality and discover in a new way its sensible and perturbing aspects on the same time accentuating the ambivalent and enigmatic status of reality in avoiding sterotypes and simplifing conclusions.