The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
23 November - 3 December, 2017
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Competition International Short Films
# 4 |
Thursday, November 30, 2017 / 10 pm
Ruadas Gaivotas 6
Lisbonne |
Pushing Night Away |
Det Lyse Morket |
Jade Aksnes
2016 | 0:22:23
A meeting between Eddie, who wants to kill himself, and Kate, who is
fighting to keep herself alive.
The Nest |
Jamie Jones
United Kingdom
2016 | 0:21:00
Le nid
The Nest is a Cathy Come Home story for Generation Rent; a warning
tale of how quickly social harmony can break down when people are
pushed out to the sidelines.
A single-mum family are driven to extreme behaviour when they are
evicted from the house they live in illegally and replaced with
second-generation immigrants.
Dentro del Systema |
Rubio Javier
2016 | 0:11:54
A woman goes to the unemployment office to apply for benefits.
According to the official who attends to her, she doesn’t meet the
criteria, so they will not give her the money she is claiming.
Belle Ville |
Jung Won-hee
South Corea
2016 | 0:26:00
Sun-haw is a Chinese-Korean woman who works illegally in a Korean
hostel in Paris. She expects her twin sister, who has just get a
tourist visa to come in France. Sun-haw has planned everything: with
her sister’s passport, she will finally be able to exchange her place
and meet again her sick son she’s let in China. But the departure day,
nothing goes as planned.
Genaro |
Jesus Reyes, Andrés Porras
2016 | 0:18:00
Genaro is a farmer who has been ordered by the paramilitary to deliver
the dead bodies of combatants and an envelope with money to their
mothers. Genaro is immune to the pain of death. His job has ripped his
soul apart and he hopes for only one thing: finding a particular body
amongst the dead.
* Genaro est un paysan à qui l'armée a confié la mission de ramener
les corps des combattants à leur mère avec une enveloppe contenant de
l'argent liquide. Ce travail l'a rendu indifférent à la mort et il ne
souhaite qu'une chose : trouver parmi tous ces morts le corps qu'il
November 23 - December 3, 2017
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. The festival prefers film treating important subjects in an original way, films which don't avoid ambiguity and complexity, films, which are sometimes stay enigmatic, so that refection and mind are going on moving, exceptional films, which covers all kind of artistically expressions, films open for esthetical innovation, shortly films reflecting the perturbing strangeness of the modern world in a complex way.