The 15th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
23 November - 3 December, 2017
****** |
December 2, 2017/ 10 pm
23 November - 3 December, 2017
Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
Lisbonne, Portugal
Still Alive
Pauline Beugnies
2017 | 1:50:00
A rebel Muslim Sister forced into exile, an activist who discovers
maternity and feels muzzled, a laic artist totally devoted to the
revolutionary cause and a Coptic Christian who questions opinions he
was being dictated since ever. Still Alive tells the story of four
young Egyptians – Eman, Soleyfa, Ammar and Kirilos – from the
revolution of January 2011 until the 5th anniversary of the uprising,
in January 2016. Over those five years, their lives have been deeply
turned upside down. They have evolved, been through crises, and had to
face decisive choices, not necessarily in line with their original
ideals. The four of them take a look at their own past, their own
image, and share their feelings about their current situation.
Still Alive is a movie about the passing of time and scattering
ideals, in a context of violent repression and nationalist propaganda.
What life could be like, in Marshal Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s military
regime, after this unprecedented momentum of freedom? What does
existence mean, amid such economic turmoil? What legacy – or burden –
to carry on for this youth who was at the forefront of the revolt? |