The 13th International Festival
Signes de Nuit
at Lisboa
June 2 - 7, 2015
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# 7 |
Sunday 7, June, 2015 / 4 pm
Espaço Espelho D'Agua
Lisboa / Portugal
The Appeal of the Birds
Rappel des oiseaux |
Stéphane Batut
2014 | 0:40:00
In 4 August 2009, Batut was on a family trip in Kham, a Chinese province inhabited by Tibetans. By chance he was invited to attend a "heavenly funeral", where the corpse of the deceased is offered up to vultures. By beginning his film with images that he is reviewing on his editing table, he immediately establishes a device that constantly puts into perspective what he has seen, heard and filmed. He asks an exiled Tibetan to sit with him and describe the steps of this unforgettable experience of seeing. |
Beyond the Iceberg
Au-delà des iceberg |
Xavier Christiaens
2013 | 0:54:00
A journey into a territory, which investigate nothing else than music and sounds. Based on a poem of Henri Michaux, the film takes a distance like a matrix, an adequate form, in which the movements follow the construction of the images and the drive of words. The film offers images like drifting pace-ice, where prehistorical elements pushing each other, the culbability of the genocits, the violence of the ideologies, the confusion of the indivuduals facing themself, the deep wounds we can imagine regarding their submission to destiny.
June 2-7, 2015
An international jury overview the sections of short films coming from all over the world. We prefer documentaries which succeed in representing the complexity of reality and discover in a new way its sensible and perturbing aspects on the same time accentuating the ambivalent and enigmatic status of reality in avoiding sterotypes and simplifing conclusions.