12. Internationales Festival
Zeichen der Nacht
Paris - Berlin
29 Juli - 3. August 2014
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The Awards of the Short Film Section |
Sonntag 3. August 2014 / 20 Uhr
Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Berlin |
Main Award
Almaz |
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Victor Asliuk
2013 | 0:29:50
Noch in der Sovietischen Ära zog die Familie Alexej Kliunias von den Balearen auf eine Insel im Ladoga See in Russland. Einige Jahrzehnte später lebt der alt gewordene Alexej allein auf der Insel. Sein einziger Freund ist ein Pferd namens Almaz. Alexej möchte zuvor sterben, damit Almaz seinem Sarg zum Friedhof bringen kann.
Jury Statement :
Almaz is a contemplative journey into the unique relationship between a lonely man and his horse. Its meditative and floating rhythm softly takes us to this empty island, inviting us to enter the psychology and sharing the feelings of these two beings. The loving relationship between the man and the horse is so singular, pure and powerful: on this island there is no “human” or “animal” nature, but rather simple equal beings sharing life. The strong and meaningful moments of silences, as well as the beautifully coloured and clear images of this film, stayed in our mind for a very long time.
Directors Comment:
I live in a geographical space which gives numerous possibilities to show endless human solitude. "Almaz" is on of the attempts to do that. I am glad the jury understood and appreciated it. |
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Special Mention
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Time Present |
Alfred Guzzetti, Kurt Stallmann
2013 | 0:17:00
Eine wortlose Meditation des Komponisten und Filmemachers über den gegenwärtigen Moment in den Gesichtsausdrücken wie den Gedanken darüber, über die Gesten des Stadtlebens, verschiedene Tonquellen, den Ozeans, den Fluss und den Himmel. Die langsamen Bewegungen laden ein, in eine Komplexitäten einzutauchen, von denen wir normalerweise nur Spuren wahrnehmen. Kein Moment ist wirklich still gestellt in einer Fotographie. Dagegen weist er unabdingbar zum nächsten Punkt auf dm Weg zum Ziel aller gegenwärtigen Zeit.
Jury Statement:
Present time grasps in a very simple but efficient way important issues of our contemporary world and invites us to reflect on our society. Its aesthetic approach, with its cold, direct and slow images, forces us to look at our reality differently. Its slow motion adds and creates a certain magic: things, where things that are part of our everyday life suddenly take a different meaning. Our world has become extremely complex, a complexity that we cannot even see anymore; but these aesthetic choices as well as the pure and simple images of the sea, the moon, the trees, counterbalance with our reality and remind us how far away we are from our origins: the link between city life and nature seems to have disappeared. |
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Signs Award
The Signs Award honors films, which treat an important subject in an original and convincing way.
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Liza, Geh nach Hause! (Liza, namo!) |
Oksana Buraja
Lituania, Estonia
2012 | 0:27:00
Lisa muss lächeln und auf Befehl zufrieden sein. Sie muss aufhören zu weinen, wenn es verlangt wird. Sie flieht oft aus dem Haus ihrer Mutter, deren Leben von wilden Partys, Zigaretten und Alkohol markiert ist. Lisa träumt von ihrem Verschwinden, hin zu einem Ort, wo sie glücklich sein kann. Kindliche Sensibilität und Phantasie erscheint im schärfsten Kontrast zu der Banalität und Rudität der Erwachsenen ihrer Umgebung.
Jury Statement:
Lisa, go home is a terrible fairtale. It treats an important, harsh and concrete topic of a Lithuanian reality through the bias of the child’s fantasy world. The film subtlety to approach this topic makes it even more powerful: it says a lot without saying anything at all, the spectator distantly observes rather than judges the situation, and the acting is so impressive and accurate that we often whether we were watching a very well shot documentary. Overall a very solid film that explores difficult issues in respectful and metaphorical way and keeps your mind moving for a very long time. |
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Night Award
The Night Award honors films, which are able to balance ambiguity and complexity characterised by enigmatic mysteriousness and subtleness, which keeps mind and consideration moving.
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Reisende in der Nacht (Travellers in the Night)
Ena Sendijarevic
2013 | 010:45
Eine Frau arbeitet allein an einer Tankstelle auf Nachtschicht. Unbekannte treten in ihre Welt und verschwinden wieder, lassen sie allein mit sich zurück. Eines Nachts erscheint ein ungewöhnlicher Mann und lässt sie zu einem neuen Leben erwachen...
Jury Statement:
Travellers in the night is a very sharp, solid and well executed film. It is not too ambitious but perfectly accomplishes its challenge. Although the film is set in a very specific context, it has a universal resonance: in a way, the character of the woman is a metaphor of us all on a bigger scale. As spectators, we leave with a good feeling, a feeling of freedom and rebellion, and wonder how to take our own line of flight. Also, the film has fantastic twists, shifting between different levels of tensions and emotions. This journey to the character’s freedom is both funny and liberating, and finally the music deserves a special mention.
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